Application For Membership in the AAE
1.) Name ______________________________.
2.) Address 1 ___________________________.
Address 2 ___________________________.
3.) City __________________________.
4.) State __________________________.
5.) Country ________________________.
6.) Zip Code ________________.
7.) Telephone Number (____)__________.
8.) Desired Membership:
Active _____.
Supportive _____.
9.) If Active Membership, please provide the name of your ministry
or organization: _________________________________.
10.) E-Mail Address _________________________________.
Note: When making checks out for annual dues, please make them out to:
Christian Ministries
Checks are for U.S. bank accounts only. Money orders for U.S. or for those living outside the U.S.
are acceptable. Funds are U.S. currency.
For those living in Third World countries where financial hardships exists, contact
the AAE or Jordan Christian Ministries at for reduced fees or a waiver of fees.